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Wildlife Neighbors TOC, Tucson Mountains, Arizona

We are not alone in the Sonoran Desert. Our wildlife neighbors adapted to life in arid lands long before we arrived. We can learn from them and respect their right to continue to live here in peace.

[mule deer running across road in Saguaro National Park West with Avra Valley and mountains in background, saguaros on right.: 91k]

Figure 1: Mule deer crossing, Saguaro National Park West, Tucson Mtns, AZ. Photo courtesy of Mochi Gregurich.


Links: NPS Geology of the Tucson Mountains pdf | Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum: Sonoran Desert | Flowering plants of the Southwest deserts

[A desert tortoise pauses its meal to check out what is coming over its shouler/shell: 74k]

Figure 2: Desert tortoise pauses feeding to check out what's coming. These mostly solitary tortoises of the Sonora Desert live on rocky hillsides. They utilize existing crevices and drepressions for shelter. The population is limited by available sites. Photo courtesy of Roger Carpenter.

Detailed caption information in "Wildlife Neighbors, Tucson Mountains, Arizona" is from Phillips, Steven J. and Patricia Wentworth Comus, editors. A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Press, Tucson, Arizona and University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, and London, England.

Updated from the Gates Pass Area Neighborhood Association Newsletter, Winter 2000. GPANA home The text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The photographs are copyright by the photographers with all rights reserved.

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Carolyn Leigh, P.O. Box 87768, Tucson, AZ 85754-7768 USA