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from the Gates Pass Area Neighborhood Association

Amphibians and reptiles of the Tucson Mountains, AZ

GPANA home | Wildlife Neighbors TOC > Amphibians and reptiles of the Tucson Mountains | Birds of the Tucson Mountains | Mammals of the Tucson Mountains

[Mating spadefoot toads afloat in pool: 76k]

Figure 1: Mating spadefoot toads in neighborhood pool, Gates Pass area, Tucson Mtns, AZ. This pool is designed so that toads can get out of it. Too many toads die in swimming pools that do not provide an exit. Photo courtesy of Roger Carpenter.

(Asterisks in the lists indicate species we believe likely, but for which confirmation is needed)




[Horned lizard at patio gate: 71k]

Figure 2: Horned lizard aka horny toad at the gate, Gates Pass area, Tucson Mtns, AZ. Like most lizards, they prefer live food. The different species of horned lizards inhabit many habitats throughout the Sonoran Desert region. Photo courtesy of Carolyn Leigh.


[Very large Colorado River toad with eyes closed, at ease: 82k]

[Colorado River toad with remnant of its tadpole tail: 80k]

Figure 3: Sonoran Desert toad aka Colorado River toad, still with its remnant tadpole tail, Gates Pass area, Tucson Mtns, AZ. Photo courtesy of Roger Carpenter.

Figure 4: Sonoran Desert toad taking it easy, Gates Pass area, Tucson Mtns, AZ. These are one of the largest native North American toads. If harassed, they may release toxins from skin glands are strong enough to kill a dog that picks the toad up in its mouth. Thoroughly rinse the dog's mouth with water and consult a vet. Photo courtesy of Roger Carpenter.

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Updated from the Gates Pass Area Neighborhood Association Newsletter, Winter 2000. The text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The photographs are copyright by the photographers with all rights reserved.